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Sedum aizoon
A great accent plant, adds height and structure to an extensive roof. Tall with yellow flowers late in the season.
Sedum aizoon ‘Euphorbioides’
A remarkable shrub-like plant. Bright red stems and large yellow flower heads. Deciduous.
Sedum album
A staple plant in the green roof industry. A green carpet with white flowers in summer. Bright red foliage in winter.
Sedum album ‘Coral Carpet’
Smaller foliage and form than the species, producing a tight, very low-growing mat. Gorgeous red to coral winter color.
Sedum album f. murale
Foliage has a wide range of colors. Reliable good purple to dark red foliage, through much of the year.
Sedum cauticola ‘Lidakense’
Also known as Hylotelephium cauticolum 'Lidakense'. Blue-gray to blue-green foliage tinged with purple. Covered with dark pink flowers in late summer to early autumn.
Sedum ellacombianum
Also known as S. kamtschaticum var. ellacombianum. Late blooming in summer, with loads of lemon yellow flowers and bright green leaves. Sets winter rosettes. Shade tolerant.
Sedum hybridum ‘Immergrünchen’
Dark green foliage with a profusion of bright gold flowers. Keeps its foliage through much of the winter. Shade tolerant.
Sedum kamtsch. var. flor. ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’
Strong dark green foliage, with bright yellow to yellow-orange flowers in summer. Small red rosettes in winter. Shade tolerant.
Sedum kamtschaticum
Superior green roof plant. A carpet of yellow flowers. In trials at Michigan State University, this plant survived over 80 days without water. Looks a bit like Pachysandra from a distance.
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